Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Chapter 1:Where I grew up

The picture of the building that you see is actually my real house where I grew up. Thanks to google earth, and pure luck, that some one took picture of my home, I now have this as a memory.
Thank you to who ever it was that took that photo.
When Troy saw it he said, that it looks like a wounderful place to leave. Well.....you be the judge. Let me tell you a little bit about it.
First of all, it is a common way of leaving in a communal apartments. This building is just one of them. So my mom and I leaved on the 4th floor where you will find 3 appartment doors. As you unluck the door you are greeded by a long corridor to the right of which as you walk you will pass 5 doors, the intrance to individual family room. In the end of the hall you will find large comunal kitchen with two stoves, one sink and 5 tables where family would prepare their meals. You don't eat in the kitchen, but take it to you room, where you will find dining table, couch (that turns into a bed for my mom, tv, book shelf,wordrobe, and my bed. All in one room! And we had two dogs as if we had all the room in the world to fit them in there.
All 5 families also had to share bath and bathroom. We all had to take weeks who was in charge of cleaning, but as you can imagine everyone has different idea of when it needs to be cleaned and how well. So, needless to say,and unfortunately for me, I do have burning images in my mind of a plugged toilet,(TP was almost unheard of back then. We used news paper to wipe our toosh) dirty sinks, and half naked neighbors, passing from bath to their rooms of leaving.
We all had our own fridges in the hollway next to our rooms. (I'm ashamed to admit, but as a kid I have often looked to see what other people had in their fridges :Z I can't believe I just wrote that)
Yes, it was tight. Very tight. And privacy was almost non-existent. When some one had an argument we all new about it. Details and all! At times it was entertaining, but mostly not.

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